
Customer Testimonials

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This is the best shop around. I have been using P & T since they opened the shop.

This is the only garage I trust taking my car to. Paul has worked on several of my cars. His work is thorough and accurate. The prices were very reasonable and we knew the work was done correctly. I have sent several of my friends here and they have each been completely satisfied.

The only place we take our cars to....when Paul and his guys does the work you know it is done right...his prices r the best around...good people and good work...would not go any where else!!!!

Only place I take my cars and bought my last 2 cars from Paul good and honest man!

This shop is awesome. They can fix just about anything. I have been a customer of P&T for almost 20 years.

Best shop around. Very fast and reliable service. Good pricing and they let you bring your own parts if you want .

P & T is one of the best places in High Point. I have 10 cars and they keep all of them going . I would recommend this shop to anyone ! Even if you had to drive 100 miles to get to it. I have been a customer for 16 years now .

Good service, great people and fair prices! Love this place! They try very hard to get your car fixed fast so you can be back on the road =) Love P & T auto repair and sales!

Have had them repair all of our vehicles PLUS several friends have had equally good results. Fair prices, and honest...even recommending that one repair could be done cheaper elsewhere that specialized in those types of repairs.
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P & T Automotive Repair
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